Probably played by Bach and his sons in the friendly surroundings of the Café Zimmermann, the concerti for two harpsichords are both jubilant and learned works. Johann Sebastian Bach’s music is a testament to a fundamental synthesis in the Baroque period: Germanic tradition influenced by Italian and French tastes, hence the addition of works by Lully and d’Anglebert to this programme. Olivier Fortin shares the keyboards with the brilliant young harpsichordist Emmanuel Frankenberg, winner of the Rabo-Burgemeester de Bruin prize awarded to him in October 2017.

Ensemble Masques Olivier Fortin, harpsichord Emmanuel Frankenberg, harpsichord String QuintetProgramme
First part
J.S. BACH (1685-1750)
Concerto for 2 harpsichords in C minor BWV 1060
– Allegro
– Adagio
– Allegro
Jean-Baptiste Lully 1632-1687 / arr. Jean Henri d’Anglebert 1629-1691
Cadmus et Hermione, LWV 49
Jean Henri d’Anglebert 1629-1691
Jacques Champion de Chambonnières 1601/2-1672 / arr. Jean Henri d’Anglebert
Sarabande ‘Jeunes Zéphirs’
Jean Henri d’Anglebert 1629-1691
Jean-Baptiste Lully / arr. Jean Henri d’Anglebert
Phaëton, LWV 61
Second part
Ouverture-Suite in D major BWV 1068
– Ouverture
– Air
– Gavotte I – Gavotte II
– Bourrée
– Gigue
Concerto for 2 harpsichords in C Major BWV 1061
– (no tempo indication)
– Adagio ovvero Largo
– Fuga, vivace
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