The Grand Tour
The Grand Tour was a fashionable way for young 18th century aristocrats — mainly British — to broaden their minds. To travel across Europe and gain exposure to its wide ranging views, ideas, art and customs, was considered a finishing element of a proper education. Inspired by this tradition, Masques offers a concert that transports the listener on a musical voyage which includes stops in the great cities of France, Italy and Germany, where works by Rameau, Couperin, Vivaldi, Bach and Telemann were performed. Guided by the words of those very travellers, this program not only situates the music in its creative context, but also sheds new light on the period and places visited. Talented actor Julien CAMPANI, brings excerpts of original correspondence to life, and shares with the public some delicious contemporary anecdotes about the places, composers, inhabitants and landscapes of 18th century Europe.

Ensemble Masques
7 musicians
1 actor / narrator

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