In 1741, Rameau published his Pièces de clavecin en concerts for violin or flute, viol or second violin. The term “concert” has a double meaning here. Firstly, since it is used in the plural in the title of the collection, it designates each of the five groups of three or four pieces, which follow one another not in the manner of the traditional suite of dances, but rather according to the lively-slow-fast structure of the Italian concerto. But it also announces that the solo harpsichord will play “en concert”, i.e. accompanied by the other two instruments mentioned on the title page. Anticipating what was to become the piano-forte trio, Rameau delivers pieces in which the keyboard instrument, accompanied by the melodic instruments, plays the leading role.
Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) : Quatrième Concert (La Pantomime, L’Indiscrète, La Rameau),
Deuxième Concert (La Laborde, La Boucon, L’Agaçante, 1er & 2ème Menuet),
Premier Concert (La Coulicam, La Livri, Le Vézinet),
Troisième Concert (La La Poplinière, La Timide 1er et 2ème rondeau, 1er Tambourin & 2ème Tambourin),
Cinquième Concert (La Forqueray, La Cupis, La Marais).
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